Protect your copyright
Whether it is a script, a photo, a video or source code, a digital timestamp proves that you had it at a certain point in time. This is an important proof in demonstrating something is your intellectual property.
Simplify IP protection
So how do you stop someone copying your work and claiming it as their own? Applying for a Copyright or a Trademark? This can take years and cost thousands in legal fees. Now there is a new quick and affordable way to solve this problem.
Proof of file integrity
To protect against file tampering we create a unique digital signature for the contents of each file. Any file can be checked against this signature to prove that its content is identical to the original version.

Simply and quickly process files and retrieve a provable timestamp
We have made protecting your intellectual property and file validation a much easier process.
- Simple processing of new files.
- Retrievable list of processed files and timestamp proofs.
- List of successful verifications of files.
- Files can be verified against the original for no cost.
- List of transaction history.
Download proof of your timestamp at any point in the future - or allow anyone to verify your file without an account.
Digital Timestamps uses the decentralized, publicly auditable, Bitcoin blockchain, removing the need for trusted authorities
At $2.50 per file no matter what size - DTS is a very cost effective solution to intellectual property security
DTS can create a third-party-verifiable timestamp in about a second; you don’t need to wait for a Bitcoin confirmation
Simple to use
An example account..

Why is Blockchain better?
<>We create a unique identifier to the content of your document and add a timestamp for when this happened into the blockchain. Built on the opentimestamps framework this identifier is recorded forever in this global ledger and can be retrieved at anytime via our site.Blockchain has created disruption in lots of traditional workflows, which traditionally required a central system to control the process.
By removing the central control from the process and instead placing the recording of information into the hands of the many it removed trust in the few to trust in everyone making a more secure system and one that cannot be manipulated after the event.
Use Cases
Benefits of timestamping
Document Sharing
It is sensible to timestamp a document prior to sharing with a third party. In the event of intellectual copyright theft proving the creation date can be vital in preventing thrid parties from passing off your work as their own.
File Tampering
Sensitive files can be sealed and verified at the receivers end to ensure there has been no tampering with the contents en route.
Video Integrity
By timestamping videos or photographs you can secure and confirm the original file against subsequent files to prove no editing has taking place after submission.
The opinions of some happy customers
Common questions answered
Plans to suit everyone
- 1 Digital Timestamp
- 100mb Max file size
- 1 Account
- Unlimited File verifications
- 10 Proof Downloads
- Unlimited Digital Timestamps
- 100mb Max file size
- 1 Account
- Unlimited File verifications
- Unlimited Proof Downloads
- Unlimited Digital Timestamps
- 1 GB Max file size
- 12 Accounts
- Unlimited File verifications
- Unlimited Proof Downloads
Got a question or a query - get in touch