Quick and Easy File Verification with Digital Timestamps

03 April 24

Ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to prove the originality of your work, or perhaps ensure the integrity of a file? The solution you need is at your fingertips with Digital Time Stamps. Offering a service that is not just quick but also easy, Digital Time Stamps is the perfect platform for file verification.

What exactly does Digital Time Stamps do? It provides a platform where one can store an encrypted fingerprint of their work on the blockchain. This service acts as a notarization of the idea, effectively proving that you had the intellectual property at a specific point in time. This is a powerful tool that simplifies IP protection, helping you avoid lengthy and costly legal procedures.

Digital Time Stamps also offers a unique service of creating digital signatures that protect against file tampering. These signatures serve as proof that a file's contents are identical to when they were originally created. The timestamps are processed swiftly and a detailed list of processed files, their timestamp proofs, and transaction history is readily available for users.

One of the most appealing aspects of this service is how easy it is to verify a file. Anyone can verify a file without needing an account, it's that simple! The system operates on the decentralized and publicly auditable Bitcoin blockchain, guaranteeing a trustworthy and economical solution at just $2.50 per file.

There's no need to wait for Bitcoin confirmations either, the timestamping process is near-instantaneous. The applications of this service are extensive, from document sharing to securing file integrity and ensuring video integrity. Digital Time Stamps is not just a quick and easy solution, but a comprehensive one for all your file verification needs.

So why wait? With Digital Time Stamps, you can secure your intellectual property and verify the integrity of your files easily and quickly. Give Digital Time Stamps a try and experience a new level of convenience and security.