Using Digital Timestamps for Document Sharing

03 April 24

Imagine a world where, with the click of a button, you can store an encrypted fingerprint of your work on the blockchain, serving as an indisputable proof of your intellectual property. Welcome to the world of Digital Timestamps, where simplifying the IP protection process and enhancing document sharing are at the heart of what we do.

Digital Timestamps creates unique digital signatures for every file you upload, protecting against any form of file tampering. These signatures serve as unassailable proof that a document's content hasn't been altered since its initial timestamping. We provide you with a list of processed files, their timestamp proofs, and transaction history, ensuring full transparency and trust in our process.

Our service is not only unique but also cost-effective. At just $2.50 per file, we leverage the decentralized and publicly auditable Bitcoin blockchain to provide you with a trusted solution. The beauty of our service is that the timestamping process is near-instantaneous, eliminating the wait for Bitcoin confirmations.

One of the most significant applications of Digital Timestamps is in document sharing. Whether you are a business needing to share sensitive documents with partners or an individual wanting to ensure the integrity of your shared files, Digital Timestamps is your ideal solution. By timestamping your documents, you can prove their authenticity and protect your intellectual property rights.

Moreover, our service isn't limited to document sharing. It's also perfect for securing file integrity and ensuring video integrity. So, whether you're a filmmaker wanting to protect your latest masterpiece or an individual looking to secure personal file integrity, our Digital Timestamps service has you covered.

Our free verification service means anyone can verify a file's timestamp without needing an account. This ensures that our process is open, transparent, and accessible to all.

Ultimately, Digital Timestamps is here to make your life easier, providing you with a secure, affordable, and efficient way to protect your intellectual property. So why wait? Start using Digital Timestamps today, and step into the future of document sharing.